This content was written by Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Visit FCM's website for more information.

Investing in infrastructure is the best way to turn Canada’s population growth into thriving communities and prevent a serious infrastructure gap.

Canada’s communities are experiencing record population growth — so how do we ensure they remain great places to live for all residents?

Infrastructure is essential to the well-being of all Canadians. Clean water, wastewater, local roads, public transit and community amenities are all vital for our communities to thrive.

Canada is experiencing historic population growth. And with 1.2 million new residents in the last year, we are encountering a dual challenge: building both enough housing to restore affordability while ensuring local infrastructure is sufficient to support a good quality of life for all.

To ensure that Canada’s growth is successful, FCM is urging the federal government to properly fund the crucial next generation of infrastructure that Canadians will rely on. FCM is requesting Ottawa to convene all orders of government to come together and develop a Municipal Growth Framework. With a new, diverse, predictable and more equitable way to fund local governments, municipalities will be better positioned to give Canadians the quality of life they expect and deserve.


A Municipal Growth Framework can act as a key to unlock communities’ full potential and address our most pressing national challenges, including infrastructure, housing and homelessness, climate change and public safety.

FCM CEO Carole Saab spoke to the need for a new Municipal Growth Framework at our 2023 Annual Conference and Tradeshow.




Hear why local leaders are calling for a new Municipal Growth Framework