Magel Sutherland is the Education & Experiences Manager at the Meewasin Valley Authority, a non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining a healthy and vibrant river valley in the Saskatoon region. The organization's mission focuses on balancing human use with conservation efforts to benefit both current and future generations.
With over 20 years of experience spanning the public, private, and non-profit sectors, Magel brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role at Meewasin. As part of the leadership team, she is responsible for the oversight of the organization’s education programming and tourism offerings. Born and raised in Saskatoon, Magel has a degree in Environmental Science from the University of Saskatchewan. She started her career with Parks Canada, with stops along the way at Saskatchewan Environment, the University of Saskatchewan, and Leadership Saskatoon.
Magel is proud to work with a talented team of staff to introduce students and visitors to the Meewasin Valley through innovative land-based educational programming and one-of-a-kind experiences. A prairie girl at heart, her favorite part of her work is watching people, young and old, connect to the beauty of Saskatchewan’s people and landscape. Come and visit us!

Magel Sutherland, B.Sc. Hons. (she/her)
Education & Experiences Manager, Meewasin Valley Authority